My name is Dr. C.G. Brodie-Brockwell and I have successfully treated over 4,000 patients who had been suffering from MIGRAINE symptoms when they came to me.  Through  my extensive clinical research, I have been able to isolate 16 Dental Triggers of MIGRAINE and have documented successful treatment for each type.  It is important to know that Dental Schools do not train Dentists in "MIGRAINE-hunting".  I became curious as to why some of my patients suddenly lost their MIGRAINE symptoms just from my doing minor adjustments to their teeth.  As a result, I asked them questions which led me to conclude some very basic facts about teeth in general, and the way in which the upper and lower teeth in particular, act together when a patient is chewing.

I discovered an important angle when the teeth slide across each other, and I called it the "Brodie-Brockwell Excursal Angle".  When I spoke to my fellow Dentists, I realized that they have not had experience in this area and so I wrote the book entitled "The Myofascial Syndrome Its Causes and Treatment".  In this book I listed my discoveries and explained in detail the various methods of treatments so that other Dentists, should they wish, could help their patients become  MIGRAINE-FREE.

My information is not available in the various Dental Schools so that Dentists generally, unless they have attended my workshops, do not possess the knowledge to help them to locate the 16 different types of Dental Interferences that are the Dental Triggers of MIGRAINE.  My book, "The Myofascial Syndrome Its Causes and Treatment" shows your Dentist what to look for and gives the step-by-step instructions for a thorough Dental MIGRAINE examination, not even conceived in any Dental Schools thus far.  

Your Dentist is, quite rightly, concerned with the condition of your teeth and mouth but, while he or she is carrying out this examination, if you are a MIGRAINE sufferer, there is also more that should be looked at from a different point of view.  
     In my book, I outline for your Dentist, specific questions that must be asked relating to your Dental occlusion, give instructions as to how you are to perform a variety of moves with your jaw and most importantly, tell him or her exactly what to look for while you are doing these movements.  

After all, if Dentists do not know what they are looking for i.e.: the 16 different forms of Dental Interference between the teeth in the upper and lower jaws that act as  MIGRAINE Triggers, then they will not recognize them when they see them.     Read More ...  Go Back

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