Migraine Newsletters
Due to the number
of inquiries relating to Migraine, and
its causes and treatment I have begun a newsletter of useful
information for Migraine
sufferers and their families.
Please select a Migraine Newsletter Issue Topic
from the list below:
(Select by clicking on the link)
Jaw Movements:
In this
issue I discuss the importance of a fully functional
articulator, an essential instrument in accurately diagnosing
the Dental Triggers of Migraine.
Interference: All
the most frequently asked questions regarding Interference in
an easy-to-read question and answer format will be found
in this newsletter.
Your Dentist, and Migraine: Answers
to your questions about how you and your Dentist can work
together to uncover your Migraine
Triggers are discussed in this issue.
- Migraine
Triggers in Hiding: Who would think that your
mouth could hide your Migraine Triggers. It's true! So, to
find your hiding Migraine Triggers,
you have to be a good detective. Here are some clues to
help you locate those areas that act as hiding places for your
Migraine Triggers.
- Muscles
and Migraine: A
muscle is like a city. They both have basic needs,
responsibilities and problems. When those situations are
being met, everything is fine. However, when something
happens to the supply lines of a city or of a muscle, then
difficulties arise. Find out how Migraine
symptoms are triggered by blocked supply lines.
Stay tuned for Dr. BB's next issue! |